Meet Trey

Meet Trey

Got Sunday scaries?

Allow me to introduce - Trey - πŸ•

Have you met Trey before?

Trey is a Yorkipoo.

Trey is 11 years old.

Trey loves to walk.

Trey doesn't like treats and doesn't like to eat all that much. Wish I was more like Trey here!

Trey LOVES to be with this pack at all times.

Trey loves to nap.

Trey is always on high alert.

Trey suffers from FOMO.

Trey suffers from leash aggression.

Trey thinks he is bigger than he is - reminder - he weighs 10 pounds.

Since Trey THINKS that he is bigger than he is.

It's our job as his humans to protect him.

We make him feel safe at all times.

We guide him on walks.

We protect him when other dogs are coming his way.

We remove him and never don't put him in dangerous situations.

As you prepare for your week and why you are feeling scary, think about Trey.

How are you the human to Trey to your team, no matter your position?

Doesn't matter what role you play.

Guiding your team.

Protecting those who think they are bigger than they are from dangerous situations.

Contributing to a feeling of being part of a pack = team.

Making everyone feel safe so they can be their best.

Don't be scared.

Think of the possibilities and your contribution.

You got this.

Until the next,



Don’t Drink and Drive


Same Entrance. Different Exit.