Lessons learned

The waves of the ocean take my breathe away.

A look back at 2023 and the lessons learned. Good and bad, either is still good. Lessons that make you stronger and don’t break you because even at your worse, you were becoming better. Better to bring the best version of yourself to a place where you truly know who you are and what you offer. No matter the circumstances.

To understand the meaning of being raw, you have to be raw.

To understand the meaning of not fitting in, you don’t fit in. It’s ok, your individuality is your power.

To understand the meaning of not feeling seen, you can’t be seen. Yet, you keep showing up.

To understand the meaning of using your voice, even when you aren’t being heard. You must keep speaking.

To understand that not everyone will see your value, is to feel undervalued. You must know your worth.

To understand that expectation is resentment waiting to happen, is having an expectation. Expect nothing, ever.

To understand that what is meant for you, will find you. Is knowing that others are mentioning your name in rooms you aren’t even in.

To understand the true meaning of loss, is to have lost.

To understand the meaning of joy, is to have lost and remember what was and what will never be again.

To understand that a phoenix rises from it’s ashes and recognize the power of rebirth, hope and knowledge is magical.

Thank you 2023 for the lessons.

Good and bad.

Both were good.

Until the next,



Welcome 2024


Celebrate the joy